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Iā€™m Aleksandra, a business-minded ux designer and strategic thinker.

I solve complex, ambiguous problems, through a user-centric and collaborative design process*.

*I am also exploring Swiss mountains and cheese šŸ˜‰

selected work ā†“


I write on UX Collective ā†— about experimenting with different tools and methods within design
ux collective logo


I have spent the last 10 years designing digital and physical products, with my architectural background providing a solid foundation in design thinking and product management.
I excel in navigating the complexities of both B2B and B2C domains, fostering cross-functional collaboration, and enhancing user and business value.
Beyond work, I am constantly exploring new tools and mediums, notably developing a widely adopted Figma accessibility plugin, reaching over 50,000 users worldwide.
me on the mountains

my superpowers

systems thinking

I can navigate complex projects with lots of ambiguity. I see how my work connects to other systems and think through possible use cases.


I can confidently present my work to senior stakeholders, explain design decisions to different audiences and adapt language accordingly.

cross-team collaboration

I identify and invite stakeholders to the design process early on by running workshops and getting feedback on early ideas.

customer iq

I find innovative ways to approach users, even with no official research budget and base my decisions on real-world data.